Videojet Food, Thermochromic & Regular Inks
With over 340 different inks, Videojet is the right partner to support you in finding the ideal ink for your application. Beyond our wide range of general purpose inks, Videojet offers a portfolio of high performance inks to meet your application needs.
- 1580 & 1860Ink Selector
- 1000 LineInkSelector
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Ink | Color | Type | Description |
V4201 | Black | MEK | General purpose. Food Packaging. |
V4202 | Dark Gray | MEK | Excellent adhesion on extruded PVC wire and cable. |
V4204 | Blue | MEK | General Purpose. |
V4210 | Black | MEK | Condensation Penetrating. Moisture Resistant. Pasteurization and Retort Resistant. |
V4211 | Black | MEK | Excellent Adhesion on BOPP, Scratch/Rub Resistant, Oil Penetrating. |
V4212 | Black | MEK | Returnable Glass Bottles, Removable, Condensation Penetrating, Pasteurization Resistant |
V4214 | Red | MEK | General Purpose. IPA, Automotive Fluids, Soap Resistant |
V4215 | Purple | Ethanol / MEK | Excellent contrast and adhesion on metals. Automotive/Aerospace parts marking. Automotive fluids resistant. |
V4216 | Green | MEK | General Purpose. |
V4218 | Black | MEK | Oil and condensation penetrating. Oil resistant. Flexible Poly films. |
V4220 | Black | MEK | Returnable Glass Bottles, Removable, Condensation Penetrating, Pasteurization Resistant |
V4221 | Black | Methanol | Low Odor. Aerospace. Caustic removable. Replaces 16-8700. |
V4222 | Red | Methanol | Low Odor. Food Packaging, Caustic removable. |
V4231 | Black | MEK | Excellent Adhesion on BOPP/Food Packaging, Scratch/Rub Resistant, Oil Penetrating. Meets EuPIA and SFPO. |
V4235 | Black | MEK | Electronic components. IPA resistant. |
V4236 | Black | MEK | Halogen-free. Electronic components. MicrocleanTMÂ resistant. |
V4237 | Black | MEK | Retort resistant. Metal cans and foil/plastic pouches. Oil penetrating. Meets EuPIA. |
V4238 | Black | MEK / Methanol | Meets MIL-STD-202G Method 215K after heat cure (30 minutes @ 150°C). Retort Resistant, IR readable. |
V4248 | Black | MEK | Meets MIL-STD-883 and MIL-STD-202G Method 215K after heat cure (2 hours @ 110°C or 30 minutes @ 150°C). Retort Resistant. |
V4251 | Black | Methanol / Water | Returnable plastic containers. Caustic removable. Low Odor. Low VOC. |
V4258 | Pink/Fluorescent | MEK | Visible and Fluoresces @590nm. Illuminate @365nm. |
V4259 | Clear/Fluorescent | MEK | Invisible and Fluoresces @433 nm. Illumination @365nm. |
V4260 | PBlack | Ethanol | General purpose. Low Odor. Meets EuPIA, Japan PIA, Japan ISHL. |
V4262 | Black | Ethanol/IPAc | General purpose. Low Odor. Meets EuPIA, Japan PIA. |
V4263 | Black | MIPK | General purpose. Meets Japan ISHL. |
V4269 | Black | Acetone / Ethanol | General purpose. Retort Resistant. Low VOC. Food Packaging. Meets EuPIA. |
V4274 | Black –> Blue | Pentanone/Ethanol | Retort. Excellent color change. |
V4275 | Black –> Blue | Pentanone/Ethanol | Retort, cooked food. Excellent color change. |
V4276 | Dk Red –> Lt Red | Pentanone/Ethanol | Retort, cooked food. Excellent color change. |
V4299 | Cyan | Ethanol | Water Removable. Wetness Indicator on diapers. Cosmetic grade. |